Six Weeks/14 Parks
We don’t care what gas costs!
Denver Museum of
Nature & Science
You can tell we’re ready to come home. We only took four photos today! We’ve been averaging around 100 per day. We left Cheyenne so early that we needed to kill some time in Denver before we could check in at the motel (the same motel we stayed in on our first night six long weeks ago). It’s nice enough little museum, with an IMAX theater, but we were mostly interested in eating lunch. Merry found a cool looking bug, a cicada, I think, outside on the sidewalk. From the second floor sitting area, there was a nice view of the park with the city center in the distance.
I think we’re still kind of in shock that we’re really going to be home tomorrow and that the trip is pretty much over. It’s been a fantastic experience, one that I’m sure we’ll never forget. We’ve driven 7,000 miles, hiked another 50, seen hundreds of wild animals, breathed in some of the most beautiful landscapes imaginable. There’s a part of me that doesn’t want this to end, to go back to the everyday and mundane. Yet, at the same time, I miss my home, my bed, my beach, my students. The kids miss their friends. There are some things that we don’t miss, but all in all, it will be good to be home.