Six Weeks/14 Parks


We don’t care what gas costs!

Rialto Beach

The Sol Duc River


Headed west to the Mora Campground and Rialto Beach> They are about halfway up the western side of the peninsula. AMazing how foggy and gray it was at the beach while just 40 miles away at the campsite it was sunny as anything. Along the beach were piles of what Merry called “sticks”. Huge redwoods and Douglas firs had been washed up by storms to form an endless playground of what did look like giant pick-up sticks! The boys had a great time playing all over them. Merry got some great shots.


After we left the beach, which was our last look at the Pacific Ocean, we headed east to go up to the Sol Duc hot springs resort. The water flowing from seaps near the Sol Duc river is heated by the volcanic activity under the mountains. The resort has man-made pools which capture he hot, sulfur scented water so people can bathe in it. Supposed to heal all kinds of ailments, but I felt better after going in the cool regular pool!

Anyway, on our way up the road to the springs, we found a spot to stop for lunch. There was a path down to the Sol Duc river, where we were able to see the torrent that the salmon have to traverse in order to spawn. Another amazing sight.

Halfway between the beach and the road to Sol Duc, Rt 101 passes Lake Crescent. If I ever come back here. this is the place I’d like to camp.